Suspected Fraud Submission Form
The Victoria Independent School District is committed to the highest possible standards of ethical, moral and legal business conduct. In line with this commitment, VISD has established an anonymous reporting form. The form is intended to be used to report serious concerns or questionable actions that:
May lead to incorrect financial reporting
Are unlawful
Are not in line with VISD policies and procedures
Otherwise amount to serious improper conduct
The form may be used to report:
Theft or embezzlement
Vandalism and sabotage
Violation of District policies and procedures
Conflicts of interest
Alcohol and substance abuse
Ethical violations
Misuse of District property
Violation of the law
Bribery or kickbacks
Falsification of contracts, reports, or records
Unsafe working conditions
Sexual harassment
Improper Conduct
All submissions to Victoria ISD should be made in good faith to report fraud, waste, or abuse rather than as a means for malicious allegations or to report general dissatisfaction with supervisors or job duties.