If your child is a second or third grader in VISD Gifted services this year, their services will include:
*Creating a Book Trailer (STEM): This unit encourages students to communicate effectively: both verbally and in writing. Students will be creating a book trailer to summarize a book's plot. The final goal of this project is for students to come up with ways to convince others to read the book.
*Animal Adaptations (TPSP): In this science project, second and third grade students will explore physical traits of animals, work to develop an understanding of animal adaptations, and then explore how those adaptations help the animal to survive in their environment. Finally, students will use their new knowledge of animal adaptations to design their own animal, illustrate their animal’s adaptations, and explain how their animal benefits from each adaptation.
*Designing Parachutes (EIE): Students will be testing the effects of different variables on parachute performance and then designing their own parachute.
*So, You Want to be an Inventor? (STEM): In this unit, students will be inventing something that solves a problem. They will create a design and a model for the invention of their choice. Once complete, students will "present" their invention to their peers using a display and a tri-fold board.
*Wildlife Protection Program (TPSP): For this project, second and third grade students will research endangered species that are currently living today. Students will identify the root causes of why those species are endangered and develop an action plan for saving them. They get to enhance their plan by creating a meme (so it can be an image, a video, or piece of text that is copied and spread rapidly by Internet users) that will encourage others to support their cause!